Thank You for Signing with DocuSign!
If you clicked Finish in DocuSign: a copy will automatically be sent to the assigned ETP staff (you do not need to do anything else). Once all signatures are completed on the document you will also automatically be sent a copy of the completed document.
If you clicked Finish Later in DocuSign: it will save any information filled out (except for signatures). To access the document again to finish it, click the same link that was emailed to you from DocuSign.
- Questions regarding your contract can be sent to your assigned analyst.
- Questions regarding the particular DocuSign sent to you, please reply back to the DocuSign email sent to you.
- For any technical errors within DocuSign please contact Madison Hummel

For ETP Staff: If assigned actions have been completed and then Finish, Continue or Close was clicked on in DocuSign, then you have successfully completed your DocuSign item and it requires no further action. Once all signatures are completed on the document, you and all parties involved will automatically be sent a copy of the completed document.