
The Employment Training Panel (ETP) provides funding to employers to assist in upgrading the skills of their workers through training that leads to good paying, long-term jobs. The ETP was created in 1982 by the California State Legislature and is funded by California employers through a special payroll tax. ETP has a tripartite governing structure, with appointed Panel members representing business, unions, and state government. The ETP is a funding agency, not a training agency. Businesses determine their own training needs and how to provide training. ETP staff is available to assist in applying for funds and other aspects of participation.

ETP News

If you’d like to participate in an ETP contract, connect to us!

Published: October 8, 2024

Connect to ETP’s Economic Development Unit for questions about program requirements, project design, opportunities to explore new funding and on leveraging other funding.

ETP In The News

Published: October 1, 2024

Employment Training Panel Awards $22.5 million to train more than 18,000 workers Apprenticeships provide a path to good-paying jobs in the trades for a diverse workforce.

ETP Highlights

Governor Newsom Highlights Investments in Entrepreneurship Initiative During Visit to Immigrant-Owned Small Business

Published: Jun 10, 2022
Governor Newsom and small business owners discuss the importance of SEED microgrants. SEED is a $30 million initiative supporting entrepreneurship for Californians facing significant employment barriers. Read the full highlight

Governor Newsom visits small business owners supported by state’s Social Entrepreneurs for Economic Development initiative

Governor Newsom visits small business owners supported by state’s Social Entrepreneurs for Economic Development initiative.

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Gavin C. Newsom

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Rebecca Bettencourt

Governor Appointed Chairperson

Jessica Grimes

Executive Director
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